Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Excerpt Chapter 20: The Ai & Me


Mr. Smith's face changed and instantly he yelled, “Run!” He snatched the urn, feeling a surge of electricity that almost knocked him off his feet, but he fought hard to stay upright. I dashed toward the exit, with the android hot on our heels as we sprinted through the tunnel. It fired its weapon at us several times, but each shot went wide.

"Is it possible for you to teleport the monolith into the tunnels?" he asked the AI. Our breaths matched the frantic pace of our racing hearts, a shared panic settled, as we realized the danger we were in. The monolith appeared a few yards away, however as we neared, I suddenly felt a searing blast go through me, like fire consuming my very body. The next thing I remember waking up in the infirmary. I scanned my surroundings and realized that I was wrapped in that peculiar bio-skin substance that I had to apply to Mr. Smith’s body during his last injury back in the 1930s. I felt completely immobilized, as if I were frozen in place, yet I could still speak and shift my gaze. I shut my eyes, attempting to piece together the events that led me here. 

“Are you having trouble recalling what transpired?” the AI asked.

“Yes, could you please explain what happened?” My voice came out faint and fragile. The AI began to reveal the events on the holographic screen above me. It appeared that the AI had been capturing nearly everything occurring around and within the monolith, which unsettled me.

 I watched as Mr. Smith, and I raced through the tunnels. Just as we approached the monolith, a sudden jolt of pain shot through my back, courtesy of the android's weapon. The impact was overwhelming. Mr. Smith quickly yanked me inside, and in an instant, the monolith disappeared. I was lying on the operating table in the infirmary, blood seeping from my wound. Mr. Smith looked terrified, his eyes brimming with tears.

 “Can you save her?” he asked the AI, his voice trembling with dread. 
“Yes, but she will need to undergo the same procedure you have experienced each time you were gravely injured,” It paused, “Maybe it’s time to consider letting her go, and possess her body,” it stated bluntly. Mr. Smith’s face turned crimson, “How could you even propose that?” he shouted, his anger palpable. “I already have a new body prepared.” He exhaled deeply, his voice firm as he commanded, “Make her better.” I appeared lifeless on the bed, which was hardly surprising given that I was teetering on the edge of death once again. He exited the room, and suddenly, a brilliant light enveloped my body.

High-tech medical devices descended from the ceiling, beginning the intricate process of mending the wound in my abdomen, where the blaster burned right through me. I observed as the AI worked, injecting nanites into my body that swiftly mended my injury. They resemble tiny mites, bustling around and fixing the damaged tissue. The holo-screen turned off. I closed my eyes; I believe I was unconscious again. An unexpected memory surged into my mind—-I recall having a face-to-face conversation with the AI.

 It was in its true form, it appeared as a black humanoid figure, akin to a mannequin yet possessing the fluidity of human movement. Its eyes were mere slits, glowing with an eerie crimson light. It loomed in front of me as we stood face to face within the wall of the monolith. 
"How can I be here while my body is there?" I questioned, my voice trembling as I gazed at it in terror. 

"Am I... dead?" I asked. It came closer, moving deliberately as it extended a hand toward my cheek. I instinctively recoiled. As it shifted, the AI's movements echoed those of the android from Terminator 2, particularly the police officer in his authentic state. Upon closer inspection, the AI’s skin resembled a dark liquid, shifting and flowing as it changed position. However, there was an unsettling shadow, a foreboding presence surrounding the AI that sent a shiver down my spine

“No, you are not dead, I brought your mind to this place while your body undergoes repair,” it replied.

 “Are you really female?” I asked.

“Absolutely, I can be whatever he desires. Since he wished for me to embody Melanie’s image, I appear as her on occasion,” it paused then added,Eventually, I will take on your likeness, one day.”

 Its words sent a chill through me, but I managed to ask, “What makes you say that?”

“Do you not grasp the situation? You won't live forever, but he will and when your time comes, your very essence will merge within these walls. Just like what occurred with Melanie, the woman whose body Ona now possesses.”

 Hearing this from the AI left me in a state of shock and fear.

"Let me out of here at once," I insisted. I pressed my hands against the dark glass. Mr. Smith walked into the infirmary, and he stood over my body. I banged on the surface of the glass wall, but he couldn't hear my cries for help.  

“Mr. Smith, please help me! I’m stuck in here,” I shouted. The AI hovered closely behind me, its fingers brushing through my hair with an odd sense of curiosity.

 “It appears he’s more taken with you than I thought,” the AI remarked. I instinctively moved away from it. 

In an instant, I found myself back in my own body. Mr. Smith had just stepped out of the room as my eyes shot open, I gasped for air. I was staring up at the ceiling in confusion. Hours passed, and as my body regained strength, I noticed that the bio-skin substance had melded seamlessly into my own skin. Mr. Smith entered and gently lifted me, carrying me to his room for some much-needed rest.  

“Remi, I promise to take you home after our final adventure. We’re heading to the 1800s, but for now, just rest my love,” he said, kissing me deeply and covering my naked body with the soft, comforting sheets.

Remi & Mr. Smith in the 1930s

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Excerpt from Chapter 6: Another Companion Before Me


(Leila and Remi are at a local  Thrift shop when Remi comes across a peculiar photograph on the wall of the shop)

The following day, Leila and I decided to hit up the nearby shopping center, which features a Staters Bros market along with a few cute boutiques to check out. I was thrilled to check out a new thrift store that had opened recently, so I decided to drop in. As Leila and I explored the aisles, I noticed some pictures displayed on the wall. They were for sale, and several had a delightful vintage charm that immediately drew my attention.

“Leila, check this out! These photos have such a vintage vibe to them,” I said. As she sifted through the clothes, I found myself staring at a Woodstock picture, recalling the time Mr. Smith and I went there. “It felt like just yesterday—oh wait, it actually was,” I mused and chuckled softly.

As I examined the image more closely, something struck me as familiar.

 "Oh no," I muttered under my breath. "Who took this picture?"

 "Honestly, I don’t know, but I think it was just a random photographer at Woodstock in 1969," the shop owner said, catching me off guard as she appeared from behind. "I apologize for surprising you," she added. 

I waved it off, "It's fine, I was just drawn to this photo,” I paused and asked, “What's the price?"

"Well, most of the vintage pictures here are priced at $80, but I can offer it to you for $50." With a sigh, I reluctantly agreed, saying, “Okay.” Desperate to conceal my time-traveling escapades at any cost, I was willing to part with fifty dollars, knowing full well that no one would ever suspect the truth behind an innocuous old photograph. Taking down the 11 by 14 photo from the wall, she examined it closely.

"Funny, the girl in this picture resembles you a bit," she remarked casually. "I suppose everyone has a lookalike," she continued, dismissing it with a grin. "Yeah, probably," I replied with a smile, momentarily lost for words as I stared at the image that froze a tender moment between Mr. Smith and me, capturing the passionate kiss he had planted on my lips. After a quick transaction, she carefully slid the photo into a bag, which I promptly tucked into my backpack the best I could.

 "Have you found anything interesting?" Leila asked.

"Not really, what about you?" I asked her, noticing a cute hippie-style tunic blouse in her hand that seemed familiar. A sudden realization struck me. "Oh no, it can’t be. That belongs to Tracy," I thought to myself. "That's a lovely boho tunic blouse," I commented with a nervous tone.

"Yes, it is. It belonged to my grandmother," the shop owner revealed, leaving me in awe.

 "Was your grandmother at Woodstock?" I asked, intrigued. She nodded as she proceeded to ring up Leila's item. "Yes, she was. She always told me stories about her time at Woodstock and a story about a peculiar journey she had with an actual time traveler and his young bride," she shared, causing my eyes to widen in disbelief.

“In fact, she wrote a book about it, but it didn’t quite make best seller, however she did sell a few copies. I have a copy of it on the bookshelf, let me go get it.” Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, a testament to my nervousness as I anticipated the contents of the book. When she returned, she handed it to me - an old book with yellow pages and a picture of the author, Tracy Richards, on the back. I recognized her by her distinctive, beautiful eyes. “Her last name is Richards, it's probably her married name,” I thought. 

"Do you want it?" she asked, to which I simply nodded. After we paid for our things, Leila and I found ourselves seated on a bench at the outdoor quad area.

"Can I take a look at that book?" Leila asked, eagerly. Passing her the book, she responded with a scoff, "The Time Traveler and His Bride," reading the title aloud. "Well, with a title like that, it's no wonder it didn't make it to the best seller list, but I do like the romantic cover image," she remarked.

 "So, how's your job?" I asked, shifting the conversation. She returned the book to me, and I promptly stashed it in my backpack. “It’s fine but well, my boyfriend he’s been a bit distant lately. I wanted to talk to you about it. I tried texting you, but you never responded. I was thinking of calling your house to see where you were, but I figured no one was home. Where were you anyways?” she asked.

My heart raced as the thought of her calling my house crossed my mind, knowing my parents could catch me in a lie. It's a challenge to keep Mr. Smith a secret, especially from Leila, who has a knack for uncovering the truth.

 Contemplating whether to confide in her, I weighed the risk of adding another person to the list of those who could potentially expose my secret. With a heavy heart, I let out a sigh. We decided to go get lunch at the burrito stand in the quad.

Once we finished our meal, we were deep in conversation when I noticed the mysterious woman with sandy blonde curls passing by; she turned and offered me a friendly smile.

"Do you know her?" Leila asked, to which I simply shook my head in response. Leila and I sat on a wooden bench at the center of the quad, we chatted and then Leila excused herself to go to the restroom. I waited for her to come back, absorbing the peaceful scenery. 

The soft wind danced through the leaves of the trees, creating a tranquil ambiance around me. Suddenly, the mysterious woman approached me, taking a seat beside me. My heart skipped a beat as I tried to compose myself.

 "Hello, I'm Melanie. We've never met, but we have a mutual acquaintance in Mr. Smith," she said calmly. She didn’t sound like Mr. Smith at all; instead, her voice had an American tone with a hint of a country twang. I was caught off guard by her surprising introduction, my eyes going wide in disbelief. 

As I studied her appearance, I couldn't help but notice the details of her outfit. She wore a stylish brown leather vest that zips up at the front, paired with an off-white cotton blouse with rolled-up sleeves that reached her elbows. Her faded button-front jeans and black flat-heeled boots completed the casual yet chic ensemble. The mysterious woman exuded an air of confidence and intrigue, leaving me curious about her connection to Mr. Smith.

 "Yes, I understand that this may be overwhelming, but I assure you, I have no ill intentions towards you," she stated calmly as I distanced myself from her, creating a physical barrier by placing my backpack between us. I finally asked, "Who are you and how do you know him?"

"I used to be his companion long ago," she revealed, leaving me speechless and unable to articulate the myriads of emotions swirling within me.

 "My name is Melanie, at least in this current body I am," she added, meeting my gaze with intensity. She shook my hand, and my throat felt dry as I struggled to comprehend her words.

 "This body?" I managed to utter. Melanie nodded in response, prompting me to take a deep breath before asking, "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Smith must have shared some details with you," she continued, and I nodded in confirmation. I know he told me that he took a man’s body, but this was something different. 

"We were partners in a distant past, inhabiting human bodies as we traversed through time and space," Melanie explained, causing my heart to ache with the realization that he had kept this significant part of his life hidden from me but to be fair, he just didn’t reveal it to me, he was afraid that I would reject him, and I probably would’ve. You can’t imagine how much it hurt me knowing that Melanie was his first companion. 

Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, I hesitantly asked, "What happened between you two?" Although a part of me dreaded the answer, I needed to know the truth behind their shared history. “Did he ever change his body?” It was a stupid question, but I had to ask. 

"To the best of my knowledge, he is currently in his first body, as I am," she said, glancing nervously around, clearly hoping to avoid being seen with me by anyone, especially a particular individual I suspect. I couldn't help but wonder about the potential consequences if Mr. Smith were to find out - would he resort to violence or simply sever all ties with me. The uncertainty weighed heavily on my mind as I let out a sigh. 

"I made the decision to part ways with him due to irreconcilable differences," she finally confessed, her fingers absentmindedly toying with a thick leather bracelet that seemed to hold more significance than just a piece of jewelry. In the middle of her wristband, there was a watch; it reminded me of Mr. Smith’s watch. 

“Mr. Smith found this body for me, and here I am. I have no plans to transfer into another body if this one should die," she explained. I gazed at her skeptically. She then stared sincerely into my eyes and said, "I would like you to be my companion. Let's travel together, it will be fun," she proposed enthusiastically, catching me off guard. I was shocked that she offered to take me with her, but I don’t trust her. However, the knowledge she has about Mr. Smith might prove useful and I want to know more about him, more than what he would ever tell me. I gulped and said, “I don’t know if I should come with you, but I’ll think about it,” I told her. She nodded, “Okay, you do that, in the meantime if I were you, I would get on birth control.” Rising to her feet, she prepared to depart. 

"Hold on a sec, what are you saying? I can't come out pregnant. He's from another planet, he’s an alien, we are of a different species." She chuckled and set her arms akimbo.

 "Oh Birdie, you're so naive." Leaning down, she planted a kiss on my forehead. "Just be careful," she advised me, her gaze filled with sincerity. She genuinely looked worried for me. I should’ve taken offense for what she said, “Naïve, as if,” I pondered, however she’s right. I should’ve seen it, but I didn’t see the red flags that were blatantly in my face. Leila's expression turned serious as she made her way towards me, her eyes fixed on Melanie's retreating figure. 

"Who is that? Do you know her?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. Sensing the gravity of the situation, I suggested we continue the conversation in a more private setting. "There's something I want to talk to you about. We should go to my house because this is going to take a while," I said.

A Trip to 1976

A Time Traveler’s Companion 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Remi and Mr. Smith Visit the 1930s


(An excerpt from A Time Traveler's Companion)

The next day, we made our way to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, a stunning architectural marvel situated on Wilshire Boulevard. My previous visit had been during a high school field trip, so the memories came flooding back as I stepped inside. It looks a little different than what I remember. Curiosity got the better of me, and I turned to Mr. Smith, and asked, “Why are we here?” With a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, he responded, “There’s something here that I must acquire.” As we wandered through the museum, we immersed ourselves in the captivating displays of artifacts, vibrant paintings, and exquisite antique jewelry, each piece telling its own unique story. I stumbled upon this gorgeous brooch that was crafted from gold, featuring a brilliant sapphire right in the middle, about the size of a quarter, and encircled by a ring of sparkling diamonds. The design resembled a beautiful flower, and I was completely captivated by its sheer elegance. Mr. Smith, noticing the admiration in my gaze, turned to me and said, “Remi, I promise that one day I’ll gift you a gorgeous pendant.” My heart skipped a beat, and a gentle smile spread across my face. 

“Tonight, when this place has closed, we’re going to come back,” he whispered.  A wave of confusion washed over me as I studied his expression, but it quickly dawned on me that he was plotting to snatch the brooch. 

My heart raced, and I felt my eyes grow wide with alarm as I scanned the room, anxiety creeping in. As we inched back toward the wall, I couldn't help but scan the crowd with a mix of anxiety and curiosity. They seemed completely absorbed in the stunning artifacts displayed in the shiny glass cases, completely unaware of my unease. He stayed totally cool, radiating a chill confidence that suggested nothing could throw him off balance.

 "So, what's our plan for stealing that?" I whispered, a bit sheepishly, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping in. Mr. Smith leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead, smiling as he said, “You’re absolutely adorable.” He then locked eyes with me, his expression serious yet warm, and he continued, “I’ll explain everything once we’re back in our room.” 

He lightly traced his finger along the surface of his ring before taking my hand, guiding me into another room that was completely empty, save for the artwork adorning the walls. There, the monolith loomed, seamlessly merging with its surroundings, almost camouflaged among the exhibits. Anyone who happened to catch sight of it would likely assume it was just another piece of the collection, blending effortlessly into the curated space. My breath caught in my throat as I exclaimed, “Oh my god, what if someone sees us?” My voice trembled with anxiety. He simply shook his head, reassuring me as we stepped into the monolith, which then vanished, transporting us back to our hotel room. A wave of nerves washed over me as I contemplated the heist ahead. 

“Remi, my love, don’t fret; I’ll guide you through my methods,” he promised, and while I nodded in response, a lingering sense of uncertainty still gnawed at me. "Mr. Smith, why do you need to steal it?" It was a valid question, yet somewhat simplistic. He let out a derisive laugh, responding, "Butterfly, a client from the year 2203 has commissioned me for it. They intend to purchase it from me, and since I possess the ability to traverse time, I often explore various periods to acquire specific artifacts. I ensure to substitute the brooch with a replica generated by the AI within the monolith, so the original items remain undetected as missing," he explained with an air of nonchalance. "Well, I guess. It is the 1930s, a time when high-tech devices for verifying authenticity simply don't exist," I remarked. He chuckled and shook his head, adding, "No need to fret about that; the AI is the pinnacle of high-tech innovation you could ask for," he joked, giving me a playful wink. It was clear that he was no stranger to ventures like this one; perhaps Melanie had already caught wind of his unusual pursuits. With a resigned sigh, I nodded in agreement. Later in the evening we stepped into the monolith, we dressed in the black fitted bodysuits and the monolith appeared inside the museum after closing. There is a security guard that walks the hallways but with the help of the AI, Mr. Smith can pinpoint his location. 

As we stepped out of the monolith, I was so nervous that I trembled. I have never stolen anything before, let alone something of value from a museum. Mr. Smith and I spoke through the intercom in our helmets, and I asked him, “What now?”

“We will head to where the brooch is, just follow me,” he responded and took my hand. With the scanner in his hand, he detected two more heat signatures other than us. I was completely silent, but my heart was racing. I had a feeling Mr. Smith caught on; he looked my way and gave me a smile and said, “Don’t worry, Butterfly.” When we came to the targeted item, we cautiously approached it.
 Through the intercom, Mr. Smith communicated with the AI. “Can you discreetly knock out the alarm systems?” In seconds he was able to lift the glass container where the brooch is encased. He grabbed the brooch and replaced it with a replica. I looked around nervously, my heart racing.
 Carefully, he placed the glass display case in position, and we headed back to the monolith. A guard unexpectedly walked into the room and caught sight of us just before we could get into the monolith. “Hey, stop!” he yelled, pointing his gun our way. We slowly turned to confront him; my hands raised in surrender as I felt a wave of defeat wash over me while glancing at Mr. Smith. He had already stashed the brooch in a purple velvet pouch and tucked it into his side pocket. Without missing a beat, Mr. Smith pulled out a smoke bomb from another pouch on his belt and hurled it at the guard. A bright flash lit up the scene, and smoke swirled everywhere, but then the guard shot me in the leg, knocking me to the ground. My frantic scream drew the attention of another guard, who hurried over to check things out. 
Meanwhile, the first guard lay on the ground, confused and trapped in the dense smoke, leaving him unable to move for a moment. With no other option available, Mr. Smith drew his weapon and fired at the second guard as he attempted to intervene. He then assisted me to my feet and swiftly carried me into the monolith, which vanished from sight just as the guard was regaining his senses. "I was shot,” I said, feeling faintish. Mr. Smith took me to the infirmary. 
After I had comfortably settled onto the bed, the AI initiated its thorough examination, promptly tackling the complications with my leg. Unusual medical instruments descended from the ceiling, expertly working to repair the damage. Blood seeped from the wound where the bullet had breached my suit, which, while designed for environmental protection, lacked any real armor capabilities. Miraculously, the AI managed to heal my leg completely, leaving no trace of scars behind. 
"Mr. Smith, could I join you in meeting the client?" I asked with enthusiasm. He merely shook his head, a flicker of worry crossing his face, "It's too risky, my dear; maybe another time." He placed a soft kiss on my lips, and within moments, I regained my ability to walk. 
Together, we headed toward the main room. "Mr. Smith, what was the point of wearing the suits if they offered no protection against weapons?" He gazed at me with a playful sparkle in his eyes, a hint of mischief dancing across his features.

 “That suit really looks good on your body,” he laughed, his voice light and teasing. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, a smile creeping onto my face as I shook my head in mock disapproval. After Mr. Smith dropped me off, I called Leila that evening to share the day’s escapades.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flare: Chapter 7 Not Human Anymore (Excerpt)


Cher and Dolan headed back to his apartment. After spending a little more time with him, Cher decided it was time for her to head back home. As she pulled up to her house, she noticed Maddie sitting on the porch swing, patiently waiting for her. Cher parked her car in the driveway and made her way over to the porch. "What are you doing out here?" Cher asked curiously. Maddie looked up, with a puzzled expression on her face. "I couldn't find the house key," she admitted, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Where did you hide it?" Cher chuckled softly as she walked over to a pot on the right side of the door and lifted it, revealing the hidden key underneath.

 "Oh, how silly of me. I must have forgotten where it was," Maddie said and added, “I thought it was under that one.” She pointed to another pot with beautiful Marigold flowers in it. With the door now unlocked, Cher and Maddie stepped inside. Cher's mother had already gone to work, while her father was still fast asleep, he didn’t leave for work until 6pm. Maddie decided not to disturb him, so she opted to wait for Cher outside instead. Cher and Maddie made their way to her room. It was evident that Cher was excited to share something significant with her friend. "I have something to tell you, and I hope you won't get upset," Cher confessed, noticing Maddie's apprehensive expression. Maddie's mind raced with worry, fearing that Dolan might be teaching Cher more than just levitation tricks. "What's going on?" Maddie asked, her curiosity piqued as she waited for Cher to reveal the secret. Cher sighed and revealed that Dolan took her to one of the feeding dens. 

“He took me to a place where people like him can feed on human energy.” Cher’s revelation shocked Maddie but curiosity took over, she wants to hear more.

 “Go ahead,” she said. 

“The place is disguised as a bar and grill but in the back, they have secret rooms where they feed on people who are sex addicts.” Cher revealed, feeling ashamed by what she did to that woman. Maddie stared at her then asked, “Did you feed?” Cher nodded and said, “If I don’t, I will start feeling weak and my appearance will change. I think you might’ve seen it before.” Maddie remembered that two days ago, Cher did look kind of withered and a little pale. Maddie contemplated what Cher told her, she realized that her friend is no longer the woman she met back in high school. She may not be human anymore, but she will stand by her side, more than ever. 

“Cher, if you need to feed, take it from me. I’d prefer you to do that, rather than prey on an innocent person. Cher met Maddie's gaze with a serious expression and gave a nod. In the weeks to come, Dolan teaches Cher how to survive an attack from a vampire. “Cher, you hold the sword like this and slice the head off this way.” He said as he demonstrated how to swing the sword. Cher did as she was told and practiced with him. “Why would I need to learn to use a sword?”

“Because these are no ordinary swords, they are made of silver. However, the handle is not silver but made of steel,” he informed her. 

“Can energy vampires die the same way?” It was a good question, one that she feared to ask. He looked at her curiously, wondering if there was an ulterior motive for asking that question. They set the swords down and sat on his bed. “Yes, basically the same,” he said, solemnly. Cher nodded. “That’s why you must be vigilant when you’re out there and if you go to the feeding dens, just be careful that you’re not being followed. Regular blood suckers are not the only ones to watch out for.”

“What do you mean?” Cher asked. Dolan sighed, “There are a group of people that have been hired by the Church to hunt supernatural creatures like us. They will kill you. They know everything there is to know about killing us.” The serious tone in his voice alarmed her. “Are you tired of training?” he asked and leaned in to kiss her. She shyly nodded and smiled. They began to make out and in minutes they were in the throes of passion.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Chapter 3: Tarislee (A Truth Revealed)


An excerpt from Chapter 3: Tarislee
(Content warning: Sexual situations)

 Returning to our room, the air crackled with an undeniable tension as we once again succumbed to our primal urges. Our lovemaking was intense, fueled by a fiery passion that consumed us both. He fucked me in various places, each more daring than the last - the table, the bathroom counter, the steamy confines of the shower, and finally the cool hardness of the floor. But it was when we found ourselves entwined in the bed that I truly lost myself in the throes of ecstasy. Lying on my side, he lifted my leg and entered me from behind, his hard thick member filling me completely. The initial gentleness of his thrusts soon gave way to a relentless rhythm, each movement pushing me closer to the edge until I could no longer contain my cries. Our bodies reached the pinnacle of pleasure simultaneously, and as our climax washed over us, our essence spilled uncontrollably onto the soft bedcovers. Mr. Smith never allowed me to take the dominant position, and I never felt the need to push for it either. After our passionate encounter, we surrendered to the blissful embrace of slumber, entwined in each other's arms. The next day, we embarked on an adventure to explore the enchanting island that had captivated my attention through the restaurant's window. The monolith produced clothing for me to wear, a pair of black denim pants, a white cotton/lace button up blouse and a pair of white canvas shoes. Curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help but ask him, "Are we allowed to be on this island?"

My eyes caught sight of a sign that clearly stated, "Private Residence, No Trespassing." Instead of answering my question directly, he responded with a warm smile.  As we strolled along a dusty path, I couldn't help but express my awe, "It's absolutely beautiful." In that moment, he gently wrapped his arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him. With a sense of pride, he revealed, "This is a private island that I purchased a long time ago, but I haven't made it my permanent residence yet. I often come here to find solace and contemplate my life." Continuing our walk, we eventually found ourselves seated on a sturdy concrete bench, strategically placed to face the vast expanse of the ocean. The view was nothing short of breathtaking. I found myself mesmerized by the endless horizon, as if the water stretched on forever. “The tranquility of the surroundings allowed me to escape from the chaos of the outside world, even if just for a moment,” he said. We stared out at the sunset. Lost in the serenity of the moment, he broke the silence with heartfelt words, "I'm truly grateful to have met you, Remi. By the way, I don't think I've ever asked for your full name." With a shy smile, I replied, "My full name is Remilda Lucan." His eyes sparkled with admiration as he whispered, "Remilda, what a beautiful name." I then asked him, “So, is your name really John Smith?” He hesitated before responding, “Yes and no.” The answer wasn’t what I expected and left me a bit irked, my brow furrowed. In that moment, he leaned in and gently kissed me, leaving me with a sense of warmth, causing my heart to flutter. Leaning my head against his shoulder, he planted another gentle kiss on the top of my head. I asked him about his age, hoping he wouldn't mind. He responded with a casual sigh, saying, "I am the age you believe me to be." His ambiguous answer left me slightly irate, desiring a more direct response. Eventually, he spoke up, stating, "Well, the way you see me, I appear to be in my thirties." I nodded, acknowledging what he said.

 “But I am five hundred years old,” he paused. “Well, my body is.” Startled, my eyes flew open, and a soft gasp escaped my lips. "But how?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by the mysterious revelation. "The body I inhabit once belonged to a man from the Renaissance Times," he explained, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the ocean. "His name was John Smith. I appeared to him as he wandered down a dusty path." Eager to hear more, I urged him to continue. He drew me closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "My kind are non-corporeal beings," he began, his words painting a picture of his otherworldly origins. "Beings of pure energy. 

Our planet lies five hundred thousand light years away from Earth. The monoliths, including the one you see here, arrived in our world many millennia ago, settling in the Syranu Desert. The ancient structures were revered by my people as divine symbols, with no one daring to enter except for one brave soul.” He exhaled as he reminisced. "You were the exception," I pointed out, to which he acknowledged, "It takes courage to venture into the unknown, Remi, and that's exactly what I did. Although my kind can live for many millenniums, we are not invincible, we can be killed," he mentioned, causing me to shudder, "Who would want to kill you? You are a remarkable being, whether human or extraterrestrial, and you are really something else, extraordinary."

"I appreciate your words, Remi," he replied before leaning in to kiss me softly.

 "So, what transpired next?" I asked, eager for more details. "After visiting the monolith regularly, I mustered the courage to approach the crystals. I cautiously touched one of the shimmering crystals on the matrix table on the pillar, a surge of energy enveloped me, transporting me to a completely different world - your world, during the Renaissance era. It was a breathtaking sight, but my attention was quickly drawn to a bewildered peasant in his thirties who happened to be walking along a path in the countryside and spun around when he heard the monolith appear.

He cautiously approached the monolith, his eyes filled with both curiosity and fear. And then, the door slid open, causing him to jump back and stumble in astonishment." My curiosity piqued, and I couldn't help but interject, "What happened next? What did you do?" Mr. Smith paused; his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and regret. He sighed, "As I stepped out of the monolith, the peasant's expression transformed into a mixture of awe and terror. 

 To him, I must have seemed like an otherworldly being - an Angel or a Demon. It was in that moment that I realized why the monolith had brought me to the 1500’s," he explained, his voice filled with a hint of mystery. A heavy silence settled between us, the anticipation of his next words hanging in the air, leaving me yearning for more. "I adore your curiosity," he expressed, gazing at me thoughtfully. "Please don't judge me for what I'm about to tell you though," he said. Mr. Smith felt uneasy about revealing his secret, worried that it could change how I perceive him. "The moment I stepped out of the monolith, the man gazed at my real appearance." I pondered on that briefly, "I wonder how his true form actually looks like." He continued, “To my dismay, the man lost his sight as soon as he laid eyes on my true form. He was blinded by my light, literally. It seems that humans are unable to withstand the sight of me in my true state. I brought the unfortunate man into the monolith, where the AI scanned his body and determined that he would have eventually succumbed to cancer. So, I made the decision to end his life." My jaw dropped in shock as I stared at him, unable to comprehend as to why he did it. I wanted to run away but he held me close. "Why?" I asked, completely taken aback by his revelation. He then reassured me, "The AI informed me that in order to live among your kind, I needed to inhabit a physical form. Remember, he would have died anyways. Trust me, he didn't feel any pain." I sat there in silence, shocked by his revelation. His embrace was tight, as if he feared I would walk away from him, in fact, I wanted to but emotionally I couldn’t leave him. He met my eyes earnestly. I swallowed hard and said, “I'm sorry for what you went through, but you did what you had to.” At that moment, a slight fear crept over me, but I managed to conceal it from him. As he embraced me, his smile and appreciation were unmistakable. It was clear that he was genuinely pleased that I didn't pass any negative judgment on him for what he had done. However, I did want to run away from him but then my feelings of love for him kept me there. ‘Where would I run to?’ I thought.

 “I am so happy that I met you Remi, I finally found someone who understands my pain,” he said, expressing relief. "I'll always be here for you," I promised, despite the warning signs that I chose to ignore. It's a peculiar situation, really. I am head over heels in love with him, he is my first love, and no matter if I tried to leave him, he would always find a way back to me, literally. He found a way to track me and had this habit of stalking me, which I was oblivious to at the time. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we enjoyed a beautiful evening together, marveling at the sky ablaze with shades of orange and pink before making our way back to the monolith. 

(pictures used in this blog are for the readers entertainment)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

An Excerpt from my book FLARE Chapter 6


Chapter 6: A Fate Worse than Death
(content warning: Sexual situations)

Cher was dropped off at her house by Dolan, feeling a sense of solitude as she walked in quietly. The absence of her parents indicated that her mom must have worked overtime once again, while her dad wouldn't be home until the early hours of the morning. After taking a refreshing shower, Cher settled on her bed, deep in thought about the events that had transpired earlier. The conversation with Dolan regarding Leena had a certain level of coherence, especially when it concerned Leena herself. However, the notion of being an energy vampire that he had mentioned left her feeling unsettled and torn between believing him or not. The conflicting emotions within her made it difficult to reach a definitive conclusion. Resting comfortably on top of the bedcovers, she was clad in her printed heart-shaped pajamas. Gazing up at the ceiling, her eyelids grew heavy, and she gradually succumbed to sleep. 

At approximately 5 in the morning, an inexplicable sensation of weightlessness enveloped her. Initially assuming it was a mere figment of her imagination, she turned to her side and cautiously opened her eyes. To her astonishment, she found herself suspended three feet above her bed. Startled, she couldn't help but exclaim, "What the Hell!" The moment she was fully awake, she plummeted back onto her bed, leaving her utterly shocked and filled with dismay. The realization dawned upon her, "It's true. Oh no," she thought, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief. She realized that it wasn’t a dream, it was real. As she lay there, she pulled the covers over her and silently wept. The morning arrived, and it was already 11 am. Her senses were heightened, allowing her to detect the fragrance of her neighbor Kate's perfume and even the scent of the lavender shampoo she used. 

"Kate must be outside tending to her garden," she pondered. Suddenly, her mother entered the room and remarked, "Mija, you overslept." Walking towards the window, she opened the curtains, causing Cher to grimace at the bright light. "Mom, I'll handle that, just close them for now," Cher requested. Her mother shrugged and informed her, "Well, your friend is here." Cher immediately assumed it was Dolan, but to her surprise, when she got up and got ready, it was Maddie who entered the room. Maddie is dressed in a vibrant red button-up shirt with short sleeves, paired with sleek black trousers that have suspenders attached. To add a touch of personality, she adorns her head with a stylish raspberry red beret, a nod to her admiration for Prince and his iconic song.

 Completing her ensemble, she confidently struts in black three-inch heeled shoes.  Her short dark brown hair reaches the nape of her neck, she sweeps her hair to one side, effortlessly framing her face and revealing her warm hazel eyes. Her eyes sparkle with a friendly and approachable demeanor. Cher quietly shut her bedroom door, creating an air of secrecy as she prepared to reveal something important to Maddie. “I got something to tell you.” As they both sat on Cher's bed, she began to divulge every detail, not holding back even the most intimate moments, such as her first time with Dolan. Maddie's expression shifted from confusion to disbelief as she processed the shocking information.

 “Cher, stop messing around,” she said, with a mixture of skepticism and amusement, she playfully nudged Cher, urging her to stop the charade. However, Cher's serious tone and unwavering gaze made Maddie realize that this was no prank.

 "It's all unbelievably true," Cher insisted, her voice trembling slightly.

 "You were right about Dolan, but you never could have imagined just how right you were." Maddie's skepticism lingered, refusing to fully accept what she was hearing. To prove her point, Cher decided to demonstrate her newfound ability to levitate. However, her control over this power was still shaky, and she struggled to maintain her levitation for more than a few seconds. 

Maddie's jaw dropped, her eyes widening in sheer disbelief. Rising to her feet, she shook her head in slowly. "Oh, my God, absolutely no way," she whispered, the words barely escaping her lips. "Maddie, please don't be scared, I'm still the same person," Cher reassured her friend, attempting to alleviate her fears. Maddie continued to gaze at her, a mixture of unease and worry etched on her face.

(Please leave comments if you wish, I will try to reply when I can)

Excerpt from FLARE


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