Saturday, June 29, 2024

An Excerpt from my book FLARE Chapter 6


Chapter 6: A Fate Worse than Death
(content warning: Sexual situations)

Cher was dropped off at her house by Dolan, feeling a sense of solitude as she walked in quietly. The absence of her parents indicated that her mom must have worked overtime once again, while her dad wouldn't be home until the early hours of the morning. After taking a refreshing shower, Cher settled on her bed, deep in thought about the events that had transpired earlier. The conversation with Dolan regarding Leena had a certain level of coherence, especially when it concerned Leena herself. However, the notion of being an energy vampire that he had mentioned left her feeling unsettled and torn between believing him or not. The conflicting emotions within her made it difficult to reach a definitive conclusion. Resting comfortably on top of the bedcovers, she was clad in her printed heart-shaped pajamas. Gazing up at the ceiling, her eyelids grew heavy, and she gradually succumbed to sleep. 

At approximately 5 in the morning, an inexplicable sensation of weightlessness enveloped her. Initially assuming it was a mere figment of her imagination, she turned to her side and cautiously opened her eyes. To her astonishment, she found herself suspended three feet above her bed. Startled, she couldn't help but exclaim, "What the Hell!" The moment she was fully awake, she plummeted back onto her bed, leaving her utterly shocked and filled with dismay. The realization dawned upon her, "It's true. Oh no," she thought, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief. She realized that it wasn’t a dream, it was real. As she lay there, she pulled the covers over her and silently wept. The morning arrived, and it was already 11 am. Her senses were heightened, allowing her to detect the fragrance of her neighbor Kate's perfume and even the scent of the lavender shampoo she used. 

"Kate must be outside tending to her garden," she pondered. Suddenly, her mother entered the room and remarked, "Mija, you overslept." Walking towards the window, she opened the curtains, causing Cher to grimace at the bright light. "Mom, I'll handle that, just close them for now," Cher requested. Her mother shrugged and informed her, "Well, your friend is here." Cher immediately assumed it was Dolan, but to her surprise, when she got up and got ready, it was Maddie who entered the room. Maddie is dressed in a vibrant red button-up shirt with short sleeves, paired with sleek black trousers that have suspenders attached. To add a touch of personality, she adorns her head with a stylish raspberry red beret, a nod to her admiration for Prince and his iconic song.

 Completing her ensemble, she confidently struts in black three-inch heeled shoes.  Her short dark brown hair reaches the nape of her neck, she sweeps her hair to one side, effortlessly framing her face and revealing her warm hazel eyes. Her eyes sparkle with a friendly and approachable demeanor. Cher quietly shut her bedroom door, creating an air of secrecy as she prepared to reveal something important to Maddie. “I got something to tell you.” As they both sat on Cher's bed, she began to divulge every detail, not holding back even the most intimate moments, such as her first time with Dolan. Maddie's expression shifted from confusion to disbelief as she processed the shocking information.

 “Cher, stop messing around,” she said, with a mixture of skepticism and amusement, she playfully nudged Cher, urging her to stop the charade. However, Cher's serious tone and unwavering gaze made Maddie realize that this was no prank.

 "It's all unbelievably true," Cher insisted, her voice trembling slightly.

 "You were right about Dolan, but you never could have imagined just how right you were." Maddie's skepticism lingered, refusing to fully accept what she was hearing. To prove her point, Cher decided to demonstrate her newfound ability to levitate. However, her control over this power was still shaky, and she struggled to maintain her levitation for more than a few seconds. 

Maddie's jaw dropped, her eyes widening in sheer disbelief. Rising to her feet, she shook her head in slowly. "Oh, my God, absolutely no way," she whispered, the words barely escaping her lips. "Maddie, please don't be scared, I'm still the same person," Cher reassured her friend, attempting to alleviate her fears. Maddie continued to gaze at her, a mixture of unease and worry etched on her face.

(Please leave comments if you wish, I will try to reply when I can)

Excerpt from FLARE


My Amazon

1 comment:

  1. Very sexy can’t wait to read it 😉
