Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flare: Chapter 7 Not Human Anymore (Excerpt)


Cher and Dolan headed back to his apartment. After spending a little more time with him, Cher decided it was time for her to head back home. As she pulled up to her house, she noticed Maddie sitting on the porch swing, patiently waiting for her. Cher parked her car in the driveway and made her way over to the porch. "What are you doing out here?" Cher asked curiously. Maddie looked up, with a puzzled expression on her face. "I couldn't find the house key," she admitted, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Where did you hide it?" Cher chuckled softly as she walked over to a pot on the right side of the door and lifted it, revealing the hidden key underneath.

 "Oh, how silly of me. I must have forgotten where it was," Maddie said and added, “I thought it was under that one.” She pointed to another pot with beautiful Marigold flowers in it. With the door now unlocked, Cher and Maddie stepped inside. Cher's mother had already gone to work, while her father was still fast asleep, he didn’t leave for work until 6pm. Maddie decided not to disturb him, so she opted to wait for Cher outside instead. Cher and Maddie made their way to her room. It was evident that Cher was excited to share something significant with her friend. "I have something to tell you, and I hope you won't get upset," Cher confessed, noticing Maddie's apprehensive expression. Maddie's mind raced with worry, fearing that Dolan might be teaching Cher more than just levitation tricks. "What's going on?" Maddie asked, her curiosity piqued as she waited for Cher to reveal the secret. Cher sighed and revealed that Dolan took her to one of the feeding dens. 

“He took me to a place where people like him can feed on human energy.” Cher’s revelation shocked Maddie but curiosity took over, she wants to hear more.

 “Go ahead,” she said. 

“The place is disguised as a bar and grill but in the back, they have secret rooms where they feed on people who are sex addicts.” Cher revealed, feeling ashamed by what she did to that woman. Maddie stared at her then asked, “Did you feed?” Cher nodded and said, “If I don’t, I will start feeling weak and my appearance will change. I think you might’ve seen it before.” Maddie remembered that two days ago, Cher did look kind of withered and a little pale. Maddie contemplated what Cher told her, she realized that her friend is no longer the woman she met back in high school. She may not be human anymore, but she will stand by her side, more than ever. 

“Cher, if you need to feed, take it from me. I’d prefer you to do that, rather than prey on an innocent person. Cher met Maddie's gaze with a serious expression and gave a nod. In the weeks to come, Dolan teaches Cher how to survive an attack from a vampire. “Cher, you hold the sword like this and slice the head off this way.” He said as he demonstrated how to swing the sword. Cher did as she was told and practiced with him. “Why would I need to learn to use a sword?”

“Because these are no ordinary swords, they are made of silver. However, the handle is not silver but made of steel,” he informed her. 

“Can energy vampires die the same way?” It was a good question, one that she feared to ask. He looked at her curiously, wondering if there was an ulterior motive for asking that question. They set the swords down and sat on his bed. “Yes, basically the same,” he said, solemnly. Cher nodded. “That’s why you must be vigilant when you’re out there and if you go to the feeding dens, just be careful that you’re not being followed. Regular blood suckers are not the only ones to watch out for.”

“What do you mean?” Cher asked. Dolan sighed, “There are a group of people that have been hired by the Church to hunt supernatural creatures like us. They will kill you. They know everything there is to know about killing us.” The serious tone in his voice alarmed her. “Are you tired of training?” he asked and leaned in to kiss her. She shyly nodded and smiled. They began to make out and in minutes they were in the throes of passion.

1 comment:

  1. A romantically dark novella. I can’t wait to read it
