Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flare: Chapter 7 Not Human Anymore (Excerpt)


Cher and Dolan headed back to his apartment. After spending a little more time with him, Cher decided it was time for her to head back home. As she pulled up to her house, she noticed Maddie sitting on the porch swing, patiently waiting for her. Cher parked her car in the driveway and made her way over to the porch. "What are you doing out here?" Cher asked curiously. Maddie looked up, with a puzzled expression on her face. "I couldn't find the house key," she admitted, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Where did you hide it?" Cher chuckled softly as she walked over to a pot on the right side of the door and lifted it, revealing the hidden key underneath.

 "Oh, how silly of me. I must have forgotten where it was," Maddie said and added, “I thought it was under that one.” She pointed to another pot with beautiful Marigold flowers in it. With the door now unlocked, Cher and Maddie stepped inside. Cher's mother had already gone to work, while her father was still fast asleep, he didn’t leave for work until 6pm. Maddie decided not to disturb him, so she opted to wait for Cher outside instead. Cher and Maddie made their way to her room. It was evident that Cher was excited to share something significant with her friend. "I have something to tell you, and I hope you won't get upset," Cher confessed, noticing Maddie's apprehensive expression. Maddie's mind raced with worry, fearing that Dolan might be teaching Cher more than just levitation tricks. "What's going on?" Maddie asked, her curiosity piqued as she waited for Cher to reveal the secret. Cher sighed and revealed that Dolan took her to one of the feeding dens. 

“He took me to a place where people like him can feed on human energy.” Cher’s revelation shocked Maddie but curiosity took over, she wants to hear more.

 “Go ahead,” she said. 

“The place is disguised as a bar and grill but in the back, they have secret rooms where they feed on people who are sex addicts.” Cher revealed, feeling ashamed by what she did to that woman. Maddie stared at her then asked, “Did you feed?” Cher nodded and said, “If I don’t, I will start feeling weak and my appearance will change. I think you might’ve seen it before.” Maddie remembered that two days ago, Cher did look kind of withered and a little pale. Maddie contemplated what Cher told her, she realized that her friend is no longer the woman she met back in high school. She may not be human anymore, but she will stand by her side, more than ever. 

“Cher, if you need to feed, take it from me. I’d prefer you to do that, rather than prey on an innocent person. Cher met Maddie's gaze with a serious expression and gave a nod. In the weeks to come, Dolan teaches Cher how to survive an attack from a vampire. “Cher, you hold the sword like this and slice the head off this way.” He said as he demonstrated how to swing the sword. Cher did as she was told and practiced with him. “Why would I need to learn to use a sword?”

“Because these are no ordinary swords, they are made of silver. However, the handle is not silver but made of steel,” he informed her. 

“Can energy vampires die the same way?” It was a good question, one that she feared to ask. He looked at her curiously, wondering if there was an ulterior motive for asking that question. They set the swords down and sat on his bed. “Yes, basically the same,” he said, solemnly. Cher nodded. “That’s why you must be vigilant when you’re out there and if you go to the feeding dens, just be careful that you’re not being followed. Regular blood suckers are not the only ones to watch out for.”

“What do you mean?” Cher asked. Dolan sighed, “There are a group of people that have been hired by the Church to hunt supernatural creatures like us. They will kill you. They know everything there is to know about killing us.” The serious tone in his voice alarmed her. “Are you tired of training?” he asked and leaned in to kiss her. She shyly nodded and smiled. They began to make out and in minutes they were in the throes of passion.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Chapter 3: Tarislee (A Truth Revealed)


An excerpt from Chapter 3: Tarislee
(Content warning: Sexual situations)

 Returning to our room, the air crackled with an undeniable tension as we once again succumbed to our primal urges. Our lovemaking was intense, fueled by a fiery passion that consumed us both. He fucked me in various places, each more daring than the last - the table, the bathroom counter, the steamy confines of the shower, and finally the cool hardness of the floor. But it was when we found ourselves entwined in the bed that I truly lost myself in the throes of ecstasy. Lying on my side, he lifted my leg and entered me from behind, his hard thick member filling me completely. The initial gentleness of his thrusts soon gave way to a relentless rhythm, each movement pushing me closer to the edge until I could no longer contain my cries. Our bodies reached the pinnacle of pleasure simultaneously, and as our climax washed over us, our essence spilled uncontrollably onto the soft bedcovers. Mr. Smith never allowed me to take the dominant position, and I never felt the need to push for it either. After our passionate encounter, we surrendered to the blissful embrace of slumber, entwined in each other's arms. The next day, we embarked on an adventure to explore the enchanting island that had captivated my attention through the restaurant's window. The monolith produced clothing for me to wear, a pair of black denim pants, a white cotton/lace button up blouse and a pair of white canvas shoes. Curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help but ask him, "Are we allowed to be on this island?"

My eyes caught sight of a sign that clearly stated, "Private Residence, No Trespassing." Instead of answering my question directly, he responded with a warm smile.  As we strolled along a dusty path, I couldn't help but express my awe, "It's absolutely beautiful." In that moment, he gently wrapped his arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him. With a sense of pride, he revealed, "This is a private island that I purchased a long time ago, but I haven't made it my permanent residence yet. I often come here to find solace and contemplate my life." Continuing our walk, we eventually found ourselves seated on a sturdy concrete bench, strategically placed to face the vast expanse of the ocean. The view was nothing short of breathtaking. I found myself mesmerized by the endless horizon, as if the water stretched on forever. “The tranquility of the surroundings allowed me to escape from the chaos of the outside world, even if just for a moment,” he said. We stared out at the sunset. Lost in the serenity of the moment, he broke the silence with heartfelt words, "I'm truly grateful to have met you, Remi. By the way, I don't think I've ever asked for your full name." With a shy smile, I replied, "My full name is Remilda Lucan." His eyes sparkled with admiration as he whispered, "Remilda, what a beautiful name." I then asked him, “So, is your name really John Smith?” He hesitated before responding, “Yes and no.” The answer wasn’t what I expected and left me a bit irked, my brow furrowed. In that moment, he leaned in and gently kissed me, leaving me with a sense of warmth, causing my heart to flutter. Leaning my head against his shoulder, he planted another gentle kiss on the top of my head. I asked him about his age, hoping he wouldn't mind. He responded with a casual sigh, saying, "I am the age you believe me to be." His ambiguous answer left me slightly irate, desiring a more direct response. Eventually, he spoke up, stating, "Well, the way you see me, I appear to be in my thirties." I nodded, acknowledging what he said.

 “But I am five hundred years old,” he paused. “Well, my body is.” Startled, my eyes flew open, and a soft gasp escaped my lips. "But how?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by the mysterious revelation. "The body I inhabit once belonged to a man from the Renaissance Times," he explained, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the ocean. "His name was John Smith. I appeared to him as he wandered down a dusty path." Eager to hear more, I urged him to continue. He drew me closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "My kind are non-corporeal beings," he began, his words painting a picture of his otherworldly origins. "Beings of pure energy. 

Our planet lies five hundred thousand light years away from Earth. The monoliths, including the one you see here, arrived in our world many millennia ago, settling in the Syranu Desert. The ancient structures were revered by my people as divine symbols, with no one daring to enter except for one brave soul.” He exhaled as he reminisced. "You were the exception," I pointed out, to which he acknowledged, "It takes courage to venture into the unknown, Remi, and that's exactly what I did. Although my kind can live for many millenniums, we are not invincible, we can be killed," he mentioned, causing me to shudder, "Who would want to kill you? You are a remarkable being, whether human or extraterrestrial, and you are really something else, extraordinary."

"I appreciate your words, Remi," he replied before leaning in to kiss me softly.

 "So, what transpired next?" I asked, eager for more details. "After visiting the monolith regularly, I mustered the courage to approach the crystals. I cautiously touched one of the shimmering crystals on the matrix table on the pillar, a surge of energy enveloped me, transporting me to a completely different world - your world, during the Renaissance era. It was a breathtaking sight, but my attention was quickly drawn to a bewildered peasant in his thirties who happened to be walking along a path in the countryside and spun around when he heard the monolith appear.

He cautiously approached the monolith, his eyes filled with both curiosity and fear. And then, the door slid open, causing him to jump back and stumble in astonishment." My curiosity piqued, and I couldn't help but interject, "What happened next? What did you do?" Mr. Smith paused; his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and regret. He sighed, "As I stepped out of the monolith, the peasant's expression transformed into a mixture of awe and terror. 

 To him, I must have seemed like an otherworldly being - an Angel or a Demon. It was in that moment that I realized why the monolith had brought me to the 1500’s," he explained, his voice filled with a hint of mystery. A heavy silence settled between us, the anticipation of his next words hanging in the air, leaving me yearning for more. "I adore your curiosity," he expressed, gazing at me thoughtfully. "Please don't judge me for what I'm about to tell you though," he said. Mr. Smith felt uneasy about revealing his secret, worried that it could change how I perceive him. "The moment I stepped out of the monolith, the man gazed at my real appearance." I pondered on that briefly, "I wonder how his true form actually looks like." He continued, “To my dismay, the man lost his sight as soon as he laid eyes on my true form. He was blinded by my light, literally. It seems that humans are unable to withstand the sight of me in my true state. I brought the unfortunate man into the monolith, where the AI scanned his body and determined that he would have eventually succumbed to cancer. So, I made the decision to end his life." My jaw dropped in shock as I stared at him, unable to comprehend as to why he did it. I wanted to run away but he held me close. "Why?" I asked, completely taken aback by his revelation. He then reassured me, "The AI informed me that in order to live among your kind, I needed to inhabit a physical form. Remember, he would have died anyways. Trust me, he didn't feel any pain." I sat there in silence, shocked by his revelation. His embrace was tight, as if he feared I would walk away from him, in fact, I wanted to but emotionally I couldn’t leave him. He met my eyes earnestly. I swallowed hard and said, “I'm sorry for what you went through, but you did what you had to.” At that moment, a slight fear crept over me, but I managed to conceal it from him. As he embraced me, his smile and appreciation were unmistakable. It was clear that he was genuinely pleased that I didn't pass any negative judgment on him for what he had done. However, I did want to run away from him but then my feelings of love for him kept me there. ‘Where would I run to?’ I thought.

 “I am so happy that I met you Remi, I finally found someone who understands my pain,” he said, expressing relief. "I'll always be here for you," I promised, despite the warning signs that I chose to ignore. It's a peculiar situation, really. I am head over heels in love with him, he is my first love, and no matter if I tried to leave him, he would always find a way back to me, literally. He found a way to track me and had this habit of stalking me, which I was oblivious to at the time. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we enjoyed a beautiful evening together, marveling at the sky ablaze with shades of orange and pink before making our way back to the monolith. 

(pictures used in this blog are for the readers entertainment)